E-sorp is new desalination technology for very effective removal of ionic species from aqueous solutions that can be used in various industries like food & beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical, automotive, heat & power, chemical, metallurgy, etc. You would be surprised how beneficial and efficient E-sorp turns out to be and how greatly you benefit.
E-Sorp Introduction

•Desalination cut between 1-99%
•Chemical free
•High recovery, low energy, low pressure
•90% removal of Calcium and Magnesium
•Chemical free, salt free
•No Sodium added
•Removal of 90% Nitrate
•Chemical free, salt free
•No Chloride added
•Low pressure operation no matter the salt concentration
•Recovery up to 90%
•Under conditions no pre-treatment
•Chemical free
•Environmental friendly
•Zero noise level
•Immediate quality control
•Quality tuning
•Low footprint

Sorption: E-Sorp is based on coated electrodes with cation and anion membrane. Water is directed to the module through a channel (spacer). Electrical current is applied whereas negatively charged ions are attracted to the anode and positively charged ions are attracted to the cathode. Result is a stream of lower salinity compared to the feed. Ions are being sorped and salt-free solution directed to the tank
De-sorption: System works in dead-end mode; no waste is being produced during the production. After a pre-set time the applied potential is reversed and ions are being flushed away. Result of reversed potential is a stream of high salinity compared to the feed. Ions are being de-sorped and drained
• E-Sorp technology is based on cell with coated electrodes protected by cation and anion membrane and flow channel.
• Water is directed to the modules through a flow channel (spacer).
• Electrical current is applied whereas negatively charged ions are attracted to the anode and positively charged ions are attracted to the cathode.
• Result of this is a stream of lower salinity to the feed.
• There are usually two operational cycles applied – “Purification” & “Regeneration”

Operation E-Sorp

BKG provides all together 5 operational modes whereas 3 are the most common ones. Quality mode serves most likely industrial clients and it reaches quality up to ≤ 5μS/cm2 ;or desalination of highly saline solutions such as RO brine, produced water
Quantity mode serves most likely as drinking water applications from brackish water sources.
Hybrid mode serves as combination of RO and E-Sorp to combine highly unique features of both technologies
Electrical Current Injection System: BKG applies precise in-flow of DC current to the electrodes. Current is the driving force of desalination process and BKG controls the injection in several possible modes; such as constant quality or constant flow within a quality range
Technical Benefits

•Fewer or no chemicals are needed compared to traditional technologies because electrodes are not a physical barrier and that results in less propensity to fouling and scaling
•Because membranes do not serve as physical barrier E-Sorp can operate with higher feed limits compared to traditional technologies
•Recovery booster system allows for 90% recovery

•The absence of physical barrier leads to longer life expectancy and less operational issues
•E-Sorp is plug and play system with literally pushing a button and starting the operation. Each unit is wet tested and pre-set at BKG
•E-Sorp consists of less parts and can be easily monitored and re-adjusted via remote access
Green E-Sorp

•E-sorp can be operated in many cases completely without chemicals. If chemicals have to be applied due to specific feed water chemistry then the consumption is highly reduced compared to traditional technologies
Energy Consumption
•The absence of high pressure leads to significant reduction of energy consumption compared to traditional technologies
Elimination of Blending
•Water tuning allows desired quality without water blending. Harmful concentrate salts are not discharged to local ecosystem which helps to stop local eco-salt polution
E-Sorp Summary

Quality Tuning: refers to ability to control the product quality& ion composition by adjusting inlet current in-rush to the modules within set limitations. Client controls the product quality; immediate impact
Robust and Reliable: E-Sorp consists of very few components. It is very simple process which is unlikely to destroy by mistake, by force or by staff ignorance paired with highly sophisticated current in-rush logics and by BKG build-to-last electronics
Scalable: scalability is similar to RO systems, small footprint
Plug and Play: every unit is wet-tested at BKG and pre-set. After connecting the unit it is literally push-the-button system
Green technology: Chemical-free desalination, chemical-free softening, chemical-free denitrification, no waste polution, low pressure, low energy, high recovery,